Vena Cure EVLT Procedure

The VenaCure EVLT procedure is minimally-invasive and can be performed in a doctor’s office. It addresses both the cosmetic and medical issues associated with varicose veins.

A laser light emitted through a thin fiber inserted into the damaged vein delivers just a small amount of energy, causing the malfunctioning vein to close and seal shut.
Veins that are treatable with the VenaCure EVLT system are superficial veins. Laser therapy with the VenaCure EVLT system is indicated for varicose veins and varicosities with superficial reflux of the Greater Saphenous Vein, and in the treatment of incompetent refluxing veins in the superficial venous system in the lower limb.

After the VenaCure EVLT procedure, your body will naturally route blood flow to other veins. Bulging and pain in the damaged and now-sealed vein will subside after the procedure.

Because VenaCure EVLT vein treatment eliminates varicose veins where they start, the results can be obvious right away.

laser vein treatment Temecula
Actual Patient - Laser Vein Ablation. Patient will be further treated with sclerotherapy.
Legs before and after varicose vein treatment

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